MetaPWR Health
4 Week Challenge

The MetaPWR system will empower you as you strive to achieve your health goals.


Our 4 week course introduces you to Daily Habits using doTERRA's MetaPWR System. Our hope is that these habits give you inspiration and excitement to fully receive the benefits of using MetaPWR in your everyday life to live happier and healthier than ever before.



Learn the basics of using the MetaPWR System.

The MetaPWR System

Say hello to the MetaPWR Metabolic System!

Week 1: Nutrition

The foods you eat can be the most important tool you have in changing your metabolic health. This week we are going to focus on healthy eating and smart supplementation.

Week 2: Digestion & Rest

Welcome to week two! We’ve discussed nutrition, smart supplementation, healthy eating habits, and more. You’ve got to digest those nutrients you’re consuming! We will be focusing on digestion and rest this week!

Week 3: Movement

Welcome to week three! With a foundation of nutrition and digestion in place, we’re going to focus on the next level of the dōTERRA® Wellness Pyramid: movement and metabolism. Let’s get moving!

Week 4: Metabolism

Welcome to week four! After a week all about movement, let’s talk metabolism.Together, these form the second level of the Wellness Pyramid.

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Ready to get rolling? Sign up for the course using the form below and we'll be in touch by email shortly with instructions on how to get started.